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  • Writer's pictureJacob Marsh

My fourth U.S.A. tour

I have not written anything for my blog or website in quite a long time now. This is partly due to being busy through the first half of this tour, and also due to not having the same kind of exciting experiences i have while travelling internationally. I realize that these two reasons seem to go against one another, but the experiences that i have while in Southeast Asia or New Zealand strike me as more interesting to write about than something that happens to me while in North America.

This tour began in Chicago, IL back in September, and has taken us wildly around the U.S.A. and into Canada for one week over the past 5 months. We have been to Montreal, Houston, Boston, Memphis, and Pittsburgh to name a few of the more exciting cities to date. There have been 6 flights, and we have driven 4559 miles between cities. Taylor and I have taken quite a few little side trips around the cities that we are playing, and a few bigger overnight trips, such as our trip to Joe and Steph's house in Nova Scotia. Despite being Canadian, none of the four of us had ever skates on a natural frozen pond before that trip, where we laced up some hockey skates and did something I have always wanted to do.

Boston is one of those cities I am always happy to go back and visit. Between the architecture, the food, and the history, I can always go back. We spent 2 weeks over Christmas there this year, and my parents came to visit for a week, so it made our time there extra special.

With this being my fourth time touring the U.S.A. I have seen quite a few of the cities on this tour before, but there have been a few cities so far that I had not been to before. Portland ME was one that stands out to me as the biggest pleasant surprise. It is a beautiful waterfront city, with great seafood and a cool small town vibe. There is also the oldest lighthouse in Maine just a few miles from downtown. I spent two sunsets out on the rocks photographing this beautiful lighthouse, and it has been my favourite photographic location yet this tour!

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